Features and Benefits of Microchannel Coins


The range of studies has been significantly expanded due to the transition from low magnetic field technologies to high field technologies, including Kaltra microchannel coins. The use of a high field made it possible to improve the temporal resolution and reduce the duration of the study, which is especially important for microchannel coil imaging of moving organs, such as the heart, abdominal organs (liver, intestines). 

At present, various methods of intensifying heat and Kaltra microchannel coil have been proposed and investigated. For this purpose, flow coins on the surface are widely used, swirling the flow with wireless installed at the inlet to the apparatus, mixing gas bubbles to the liquid flow, rotating or vibrating of the heat and mass transfer surface, affecting the flow of electrostatic, magnetic fields. At the same time, the efficiency of intensification for different methods with significantly different energy costs is different and is estimated in each specific case.

The Kaltra microchannel coil has a strong advertising potential. Microchannel heat exchanger technology can be promoted into air-energy water heaters in the field of air conditioning systems, which can greatly enhance the competitiveness of products and the possibility of sustainable development of enterprises. Compared to conventional heat exchangers, microchannel heat exchangers are not only small in size, have a large heat transfer coefficient, high heat transfer efficiency, which meets higher energy efficiency standards, but also have excellent pressure resistance. 

The main advantages of microchannel coils are:

  1. Energy-saving. Energy saving is an important indicator of a modern air conditioner. 
  2. Phase flow and phase change in heat transfer will be different from the usual large size.
  3. Microchannel coil devices are a special class of gas-liquid thermal devices of the bubbling type. The method based on contact heating of water (final or intermediate heat carrier) in submersible combustion devices is the most versatile and energy-efficient.

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